St. Joseph Parish has a long history of reaching out to the community. Leadership and parishioners strive to keep these ministries going through their support and participation.
Our mission statement explains this commitment well . . .
We the Parish Community of St. Joseph Catholic Church
are a welcoming family of believers who:
~ witness the Gospel
~ are committed to our Baptismal call to Discipleship in Jesus Christ, and
~ further the Kingdom through our ministry and worship
Began in the Fall 2012, this effort is done in conjunction with our PSR program, parish organizations, and the church communities in our area. Our goal is to provide a nutritious meal and fellowship to those in need. All are welcome to these monthly events held the last Sunday of the month during the school year. For full details, please click here. Temporarily postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Our parish participates in First Step for Change, a project sponsored by Catholic Charities to collect money in order to assist low-income pregnant women and families with food, formula, clothing diapers and other items essential to a child’s health, safety and well-being. From Mother's Day through Father's Day, families collect change and/or contribute through a second collection. All money collected by our parish will help to meet local needs.
Our annual Advent tradition of the Giving Tree provides those in need with a little brighter Christmas (this may be the only gifts they receive) and is coordinated by Catholic Charities. This year they are asking for $25.00 gift cards (Wal-Mart or Giant Eagle are suggested). There will be no tags to take. The agency plans to provide a family-oriented game to each household with children this year, along with the gift cards. To participate, parishioners simple dropped their gift card donations in the gift wrapped box by the Giving Tree in the Narthex by the designated date.
In January, our PSR program has a Mitten Tree for the Warm Hearts for Warm Hands collection (formerly Keep The Kids Warm). This Catholic Charities campaign helps provide winter hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves to families in need. Monetary donations received through this Poverty Awareness month project also helps Catholic Charities provide direct utility assistance to families with children. The Knights of Columbus Council #3766 also hold a drive which includes toys.
Our Parish has good record of participation in diocesan collections and special efforts. Click here to learn more about these collections.
Originally named the “Crestwood Coalition for Community Care” when it was formed in 1981, and now known simply as 4C's, this food cupboard provides food on an emergency basis to needy families in the Crestwood school district. The Cupboard is not a federally funded agency but relies exclusively on the support of the community for donations of money, food, and supplies. All the churches, civic groups, and schools in the Crestwood community have generously and continuously supported the 4C’s with fundraisers and food drives over the years.
Monthly collections of these items at weekend Masses and the Ox Roast Fair. Items needed include non-perishable food items, cleaning and laundry items, and paper and personal hygiene products. Members of the parish are always urged to volunteer to help out at their location at the rear of Hilltop Christian Church, 4572 W. Prospect St., Mantua, Ohio 44255. Hours are Monday, from 4 to 6 p.m., and Wednesday and Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. (330-274-3310). If you know someone in need, please refer them to United Way of Portage County 211's First Call for Help (dial 211, 330-297-4636 or 1-800-961-0191 for assistance). You may send donations or inquiries to: Crestwood Coalition for Community Care, P.O. Box 227, Mantua, OH 44255.
Immediately after the Ox Roast Fair, our leftover food products that could not be returned to suppliers is donated to the Center of Hope each year. Based in Ravenna, this agency works to provide daily hot and nutritious meals, and a food pantry that provides individuals and families with groceries once a month. The Center of Hope's mission is to fill the gap in food needs experienced by vulnerable residents of Portage County.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Youngstown serves the six northeastern counties of Ohio: Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark and Trumbull. Within this region, Catholic Charities has three social service agencies and a housing organization, all of which sponsor numerous locations. Faithful to many of the priorities established decades ago, Catholic Charities remains devoted to helping meet basic human needs, strengthening families, building communities and empowering low-income people. The parish has supported their efforts in various ways over the years. For complete details about Catholic Charities, please visit
St. Joseph's has participated in an annual Thanksgiving Service Project sponsored by the Crestwood Clergy Association (Mantua Center Christian Church, Hiram Christian Church, Hilltop/Brighter Day Christian Church, Portage Faith United Methodist Church, and St. Joseph Catholic Church). These have included "Kid-paks" for children entering the hospital and personal hygiene items for prisoners in 2013, cleaning supplies, linens, and personal hygiene products for Safer Futures & Miller Community House in 2014, and a collection for Hospital Kid-Paks and for Kid’s Weekend Meals in 2015.
St. Joseph's uses our wonderful parish grounds and facilities to host events
and groups reaching out to the community and allowing service to others.