Acting as representatives of St. Joseph Parish we bring support and comfort to those who are facing some of life’s most serious challenges. Sometimes we just say prayer with the person or offer a kind word. We try to remember that we are the Disciples of Christ extending His healing ministry. Ministers of Care are ordinary people called to minister to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
The essence of this ministry is to listen and respond, to share prayer and sacrament, and to make present God's love and the Church's care to those in need. Performing the vital role of taking the Holy Eucharist to members of the parish who are too ill or elderly to attend Mass regularly and offering prayer time, encouragement, and a friendly ear. In addition, they often pray with the homebound, encourage and listen to them, share parish and local news. Additional Homebound Ministers are always welcome. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion formation and instruction are required before being commissioned to be a Homebound Minister. Because the homebound are considered a vulnerable adult population, Homebound Ministers must also take part in the diocese's Safe Environment Policy VIRTUS Training, review the policy and complete appendix 9, and have a background check (more information available at Please contact the Pastor, Deacon Gerry (330-569-4795), or the Parish Office (330-274-2253) for more information.
The elderly are a treasured gift and presence in our Catholic faith community. They are your family members. They are our parishioners no longer able to get to Mass. They are neighbors you visit and watch out for. Sometimes, however, they are the lonely, without family near, whose only companions are television people. The elderly are not "receivers." They have much to teach and much to give. They are participators in life, at a different stage.
Do you know someone to include in our Homebound Ministry roster?
Could you inquire whether a church visitor would be welcomed?
Do you feel this is a parish involvement to which you are drawn?
Are you presently bringing communion to someone unable to attend church?
If you know of anyone who is homebound and may wish a communion visit, please speak with them first, then contact Deacon Gerry Scopilliti (330-569-4795) or call the Parish Office (330-274-2253). The pastor is available to visit any parishioners who would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick in their home or at the hospital or health care facility. Please contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253) to arrange.
St. Joseph Cares takes seriously the call to pray for our neighbor. Members of the group regularly write encouraging notes and cards to those parishioners and their families who are on the parish prayer list. Additionally, at the end of every meeting, each name on this prayer list is read aloud and prayed for by the entire group.
The staff at St. Joseph's will assist you in every way in planning the funeral for your loved one. To help you choose appropriate readings and music, a Funeral Planning Guide will be available soon.
A meeting with the pastor or a member of the staff will help you complete the liturgy planning process. You may also choose to have visitation at the church prior to the Mass. As a way of expressing our support in your time of sorrow, St. Joseph's Hughes Hall is available (schedule permitting and with outside catering or family members providing the luncheon).
Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible after the death of your loved one so that we may help you during your time of sorrow. The standard procedure for a funeral at St. Joseph Church is that a funeral director work with parish staff to set up the details of the visitation, funeral Mass or liturgy, luncheon and interment. Normally the procedure is that, after news of death, the funeral home is contacted first. The funeral home will then contact the Parish Office to determine possible times and dates for a funeral Mass/Liturgy. The family will meet with the funeral director. Family members should then contact the Parish Office (330-274-2253) to arrange for a meeting with the priest, deacon, or pastoral minister to help choose scripture readings, hymns, and other details of the funeral liturgy.
Funeral LuncheonsWe are in the process of re-organizing a Funeral Luncheon Ministry Team as part of our service to the bereaved. Graciously hosted by women of the parish who have dedicated themselves to helping grieving families in time of need, it is offered at no charge (donation greatly appreciated to help us continue this ministry). Volunteers will help coordinate set-up, prepare, serve, and clean-up for meals after funerals. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact JoDee Romano (216-978-8255).
For more information, please visit our Funeral page.
Currently Inactive
Seasons of Hope, a bereavement support program, meet for a series of six weekly gatherings each fall and spring. Sessions help us explore mourning through Scripture, prayer, reflection activities, and faith sharing. The goal is to provide a faith community setting in which the words of Jesus speak the compassion of God. Seasons of Hope is centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, traditions, and practices of the Catholic Church. For those searching for hope, this group is a nurturing link to the Church, the Almighty, and other people of faith who are also mourning. Come and be comforted.
St. Joseph Parish offers its bereavement program, Seasons of Hope, seasonal as interest is shown. The program requires a group of participants therefore we ask for registration by the designated date (please refer to news section or parish bulletin for updates). If you wonder whether this program is for you, please contact Fr. Francis Katrinak or Deacon Gerry Scopilliti (330-569-4795).
Offering Sympathy
Several parishioners regularly attend calling hours and funerals for parishioners and family members who have passed away as another aspect of parish support.
Members St. Joseph Cares routinely send cards to the families of those who have passed away.
We offer these helpful pamphlets on a variety of topics. Available in the Narthex, they offer strength, help and healing for those who are hurting and provide a wealth of emotional, recovery, health, grief and eldercare support and information.
At Christmastime we send a card and a CareNote pamphlet for those grieving a lossed loved one during the year. This small gesture helps comfort them as they face their first Christmas without a loved one.
Mass of Remembrance
In November we offer a Mass of Remembrance to those who have lost a loved ones especially in the past year. Many who are grieving have expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of support offered by the parish community at this liturgy.