If you wish to have your 2024 contribution statement from St. Joseph Church, there are several ways to obtain it:
Preferred Option—Electronically through ParishSOFT’s My Own Church, our mobile directory and secure parishioner portal. All users must have an account to access the ParishSOFT Family Suite website. Users who do not have an account must sign up for an account to receive login credentials (username and password). All you need to do is visit our website’s My Own Church page (https://stjosephmantua.com/my-own-church), hit the blue "Update Your Info" button and create an account. Helpful instructions and videos links are also available on this page. FYI—This is different than the ParishSOFT Online Giving. Please Note: Any donations made to the Giving Tuesday campaign have been entered in to the contributions of our parish database (you also should’ve received an email response that included a statement for tax purposes). If you did not give to this campaign during the designated period, contributions for this purpose have been entered under the Building & Grounds Maintenance category.
Option #2—Have a pdf file emailed to you. Simply contact the Parish Office and confirm your email address.
Option #3—Request a printed statement that you may pick up in the Narthex.
Please check your name on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex OR contact the Office of St. Joseph & St. Ambrose Parishes ASAP (330-274-2253 or [email protected]).