On Sunday, September 1st, at the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph, we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens for our inquirers along with the Rite of Welcoming for our candidates preparing for confirmation or reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church.
In the Rite of Acceptance, God showers his grace on the catechumens as it manifests their desire publicly and marks their first consecration by the Church. Once a person enters the catechumenate, they are joined to the Church in a special way. Similarly, the prayers in the Rite of Welcoming acknowledge the candidates are already joined to the community by their previous baptism and now the Church surrounds them with love and support as they learn and grow in the fullness of faith. The Church envisions we all take an active role in welcoming catechumens and candidates into our community.
Each time these rites are celebrated it is a reminder of how our Lord is always calling us closer to Himself and how He continues to change lives. He is near, and we witness how He breathes new life into His Church. The presence of catechumens and candidates in our community renews our own faith!
Join us in welcoming our new catechumens and candidates! In the Narthex there is a poster displaying our catechumens and candidates photos & their thoughts. You'll also find a prayer card with their names so that you may take one home and include them in your prayers.
Please join us in welcoming our new Catechumens (not yet baptized):
Dailanna Harber (St. Joseph) & Otto Trent (St. Joseph)
and our Candidates for confirmation or reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church (already baptized):
David Gadomski (St. Joseph), Natalie McManaway (St. Joseph) & Isabella Folio (St. Ambrose)